Whilst we continue to exist within a global pandemic, one thing is for sure – now is not the time to sit back and let our careers and personal aspirations pass us by. Since March 2020 when the world shifted on its axis, lots of clients report their careers have been ‘treading water’. Here we stand at the start of a brand-new year, so I thought it would be good to put together my three top tips for giving your career an adrenaline shot in 2022.
Tip 1: Create a Career Journal
This is simple yet effective. Find a place to jot down everything to do with your career – most people like a physical notebook, but this could also be a rolling document on your desktop or another method entirely. It just has to work for you. Here you can write personal goals, feedback you’ve received, notes from 121’s, development reflections…the possibilities are endless. Creating a habit to use a journal in this way can be tricky but once you’re into the groove you’ll benefit as you can view your career and personal development in one place. Don’t worry, this is not a dear diary scenario, this can take as little as 1 minute! I use a career journal myself, favouring mind maps and lists. I also only write in mine in pencil for some unknown reason!
Tip 2: Get clear on what you love doing and why
We all think we know what makes us tick, or what we’re good at, but generally I think this comes from what people have told us they think about us more than anything else! For example, have you ever had a manager offer you a piece of work that they said they thought you would enjoy but secretly you were groaning inside? In truth, most of us have, and it’s because we’ve not accurately and purposefully shared what we love to do and why.
With this in mind, when was the last time you sat down and really considered why you get out of bed each day, and what motivates you? Equally, when did you last consider what you love to do at work, what gives you the most energy and genuinely that ‘feel good feeling’? Use your career journal to write down your thoughts, and don’t be afraid to let it mull over and come back to it a few times before you’re happy with what you see. Key point: don’t panic if what you write down makes it clear that the job you’re doing right now isn’t something you want to continue with, this activity helps you take control and make positive change.
What you write down is precisely what you want to share with those around you (see Tip 3) – your Line Manager so they know how to get the best from you and help you be fulfilled at work, your stakeholders so they understand you to a greater depth and know where you add the best value, and most importantly to anyone who may have some form of influence on your career. Ultimately, if people know what motivates you and what your key strengths are (the things you love doing), then they will have that in mind when any new opportunities arise.
Tip 3: Consider who’s important to your career
After writing down what they love doing and why, often the second thing I ask my clients to do in their career journals is to sketch out their strategic network internally and externally, i.e., those who are key to delivering at work and/or progressing their careers. This quick 10-minute activity often sheds light on areas where focus is required and is also a good conversation starter, for example when in a 121 with a Line Manager – ‘who should I get to know better?’, or with a Mentor/Coach – ‘how can I get the most out of these relationships?’. Some people like to draw out their network as the first step, then apply a RAG status to help them work out who to connect with first. Green means ‘good relationship already’, amber means ‘some work required’, red means ‘most work needed urgently’. This becomes an easy priority list and an action plan. Generally, I find setting an hour a week to connect with someone or review your network is a great way to create momentum.
Face to Face vs Virtual Meetings: many clients of mine have been reluctant to set up video calls etc, preferring to ‘wait’ until they can meet face to face. My message is simple – don’t do this! It’s clear that the world of work has changed forever, so don’t hang about waiting for life to resume as it was pre-covid. Take action now, make contact with your network and raise your visibility and reputation as these are key to career success.
Summary: Boosting your career in 2022 doesn’t need you to make monumental moves, but you do need to create some conscious habits and provide structure to your activities too. Being aware, sharing your personal aspirations and becoming more visible will support you with all forms of personal career development. Good luck!
Do you need some help with your career? Feel free to reach out, we love to chat! [email protected]
Great content! Keep up the good work!